How to Train your Human

I met my humans when I was only nine weeks old. The first thing they taught me was how to ring bells on the door to go outside to pee and poop. It was fun – every time I rang the bell a human would come to the door to take me for a walk- Even when I really didn’t have to go. (I’ve trained them well here.)
I used all of my senses to learn more about the world around me. I used my eyes to see the blobs in front of me; my ears to hear all of the sounds. I liked using my teeth – so I bit everything and everyone. I thought it was awesome to bite my humans and listen to them squeal just like my squeaky toys. It was a game for me. My humans did not like this game, though- and they didn’t know how make me stop.
I use my paws to feel the surfaces I walk on. Once my humans tried to pull me away from a surface, but I didn’t understand what she was telling me so, I ignored her. Then one of my feet fell through a big metal grate! I was fine – but man, that was scary! That’s when my human and I realized we were having a hard time communicating – and it was dangerous.
We started going to puppy class, where we learned how to connect. I am very grateful that my human is taking the time to work with me. I now feel calmer and more relaxed when I am with her. And I’m happy.
We’ve even learned how to go on a walk so that there is slack in the leash instead of me pulling the whole time. So my neck is happier too. Of course, my human has treats in her pocket and that helps me pay attention to her.
I’m so glad that my human is trainable! Thank you New Beginnings K-9 Training, LLC. To me you are the top dog!
– Kitzi C. Jones-McLeod