Group Dog Training Classes
Puppy Classes
Private In-Home Dog Training
Behavior Modification
Due to a family emergency we are not accepting new training clients or scheduling additional classes. We deeply regret not being available to serve you.
New Beginnings is the private school for people and their dogs. We realize that when it comes to dog training and behavior modification, one size does not fit all. Our dog training and behavior modification programs aren’t just a service they’re an education for your dog and for you.
Our mission is to help you develop a well-mannered, well-adjusted, happy dog.
We have developed and cultivated our programs for a more successful, well-rounded education.
Our Positive Programs
* Effective July, 1 2018 pet care services, including but not limited to grooming and boarding services, pet sitting services, and obedience training services are subject to sales tax. Reference KRS 139.20
Group Dog Training Classes
Group Class is a great opportunity for your puppy or dog to begin getting the basics under their belt, while in an environment with other people and other dogs. We offer both the more traditional 6 week puppy and dog training courses as well as a more flexible group class option.
We are currently not accepting applications.

In-Home Dog Training
& Behavior Modification
In-Home Dog Training is helpful for a variety of needs that families have concerning their four-legged family members. For some Private Training is a better fit for their busy schedules and when their training goals involve goals such as potty training that can’t be covered in a Group Class setting. For others Behavior Modification is a necessity when they’re faced with things like fears, phobias, anxiety and aggression with their comes to their furry friend.
We are currently not accepting applications.
Dog & Puppy Tip Consultations
Some families, we’ve found, just need a push in the right direction or want to get off to the best start they can with a new addition. Tip Consultations are designed for advice on the things you’re experiencing with Fido, getting you’re home ready for a new addition and much more. While no training is involved with our Tip Consultations, if you were to find yourself wanting more hands on help after the consultation, we would be happy to help you set up some private, in-home sessions for dog training.
We are currently not accepting applications.

Contact Us!
New Beginnings K-9 is located in Erlanger, KY. That makes us great option for families living in the Northern Kentucky cities and zip codes of: Bellevue (41073), Burlington (41005), Covington (41011, 41012, 41014, 41015, 41016, 41017, 41019), Crescent Springs (41017), Crestview Hills (41017), Edgewood (41017, 41018), Elsmere (41018), Erlanger (41017, 41018, 41051), Hebron (41048), Florence (41022, 41042, 41091), Ft. Mitchell (41011, 41017), Ft. Thomas (41075, 41076, 45226), Ft. Wright (41011, 41017), Highland Heights (41076, 41099), Independence (41015, 41018, 41042, 41051), Lakeside Park (41017), Newport (41071, 41072), Park Hills (41011), Taylor Mill (41015), Union (41091), Villa Hills (41017), and Walton (41094).
While our location makes us convenient, our care for the dogs in our programs is what makes our dog walking, dog sitting and dog training programs the best in Northern Kentucky.
Here at New Beginnings your dog truly comes first.
We are closed indeterminately
due to a family emergency.
For all private training for behavior issues we recommend:
Dr. Lisa White of Veterinary Behavior Management Solutions
For all basic manners training and group classes, we recommend:
Training Tracks Canine Learning Station