Fireworks and your Pets

Fireworks and your Pets

July 1, 2014 Canine Insights 0
fireworks and pets

The Fourth of July is only a few days away. Its a great time to celebrate with family and friends, but what about our four-legged family members? Fireworks and your pets generally are not a good combination. Many pets don’t enjoy the excitement and noise that come with this part of the year. Some neighborhoods have already started setting off fireworks and many will continue to do so even after the 4th. If your dog has a noise phobia, especially a fear of fireworks, here are some tips to keep you and pets happy and safe for the holidays.

  • Keep your pets safe indoors during peak firework times (late evening and night).
  • If you need to take your pet out keep him on a leash to prevent him from trying to escape the yard due to fear.
  • When you are out with your pets, have plenty of treats with you in case you need to distract them from unexpected fireworks.
  • Some dogs and cats can benefit from a Thundershirt, dog appeasing pheromones and other calming products.
  • While your pet is safe indoors, give them a nice stuffed Kong or other interactive treat toy to keep them busy during fireworks.

If you are not sure whether or not your pet has a noise phobia check out our previous blog about Dealing with Noise Phobias to help you identify some signs of fear. These tips can help you prepare so that you and your furry family members can enjoy the festivities. Keeping Fido in mind when planning you events and get together will help ease stress for both of you in the long run.

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For all private training for behavior issues we recommend:
Dr. Lisa White of Veterinary Behavior Management Solutions


For all basic manners training and group classes, we recommend:
Training Tracks Canine Learning Station