Thanksgiving Foods: To Share Or Not To Share?
Thanksgiving Feast
What You Need To Know About Sharing With Your Dog

Turkey is a definite yes for sharing with your canine companion! A few things you'll want to keep in mind however, are to be sure there are no bones, give them white meat and make sure to get rid of any excess fat or skin.
Check your labels carefully! Many of us use artificial sweetners as a healthier cooking choice, but often they contain xylitol which is poisonous to animals. In fact, it is potentially deadly for dogs. The holiday aside, one of the most common places that xylitol can be found is in chewing gum.

Probably one of the most common and widely known dangers for dogs. During these festive times of year, keep in mind the many places that chocolate might be included - like in baking.
Green Beans
Vegetables are a wonderful addition to a dog's diet in general! Green beans can be shared with your dog, but they are something you should make sure don't contain other things that could be harmful to your furry family member.

(Onions, Garlic, Leeks, Scallions, Etc.)
A maybe lesser known food danger for Fido is alliums. If your dog were to ingest large quantities of these foods they could end up with toxic anemia.
Mashed Potatoes
Potatoes are another Thanksgiving feast item that you can share with your dog. Just keep in mind the other "additives" that we like to enjoy our potatoes with may not be good for your dog. Things like sour cream, butter and gravy are not something to include in your pet's diet.

Grapes have become more of a known danger for dogs. They are toxic and can cause kidney failure. Keep in mind this goes for raisins too!
Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry sauce itself is generally okay. Just keeping in mind the amount of sugar included in the recipe. If you'd like to share some with Fido, giving your dog a small portion is probably the safest bet.

While it may be obvious, alcohol is extremely toxic for pets. Consider other items that may contain alcohol such as a fruit cake recipe that called for rum or unbaked bread.
Macaroni & Cheese
You know your dog the best and if you know that they can handle dairy, then mac 'n cheese is safe to share. If you're not sure how your dog's stomach does with dairy, then a safe bet would be just plain noodles.

Information sourced from:
dangerous food for dogs food dogs can eat holiday dog safety Thanksgiving pet safety